Welcome to the Power Cheer! Guestbook! This is a chance for athletes and parents to communicate and express themselves, but Please keep all comments positive!

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Thundercat Parent 02/16/2017 @ 9:05 AM

Daytona Beach

Savage & Thundercats are on the road to Cheersport Nationals... Lions going to Summit!! Awesome things are happening at PCA!

Yes they are!!!!

Niya 02/14/2017 @ 5:05 PM

Daytona beach

I am twelve years old,and would like to start cheering. I love to watch competitive cheer

Hi Niya! Give us a call or email our cheer Director, Penny Howell at PCAcoachPen@aol.com. We would love to meet you and get you started!!

Leslie 02/12/2017 @ 4:05 PM

Storm Allstars Cheer

Hi. Our J3 team competed against your team at the Florida Fairgounds yesterday. After the awards were announced your team came over on their own accord to congratulate our girls. I just wanted to share with you how moved we were that your girls would do that. That speaks volumes for your gym and your athletes. We wish your teams the best of luck in the rest of their competitions this season.

Thank you so much!! We truly appreciate you taking the time to write in our guestbook.... that speaks volumes about YOUR program! Congratulations on your Summit Bid and good luck!

Lions 02/03/2017 @ 2:05 PM


Good luck this weekend PCA!!

Thank you!! Super excited!

LIONS 01/25/2017 @ 2:05 PM


SUPER excited for Nationals this weekend...go Lions...go PCA!!

We are really excited too! Good Luck girls!

Lions Moms 01/24/2017 @ 4:05 AM

Port Orange

can't wait for nationals next weekend! we've got this girls!

We are excited too!! It is going to be a great weekend for PCA!

PCA PROUD! 01/12/2017 @ 12:05 AM

Port Orange

As always.... extremely proud to be a part of the PCA family. Not just on the mat, but off it as well. Great teams, great parents, great coaches. Thank you Penny for upholding a standard for our girls, your staff and this gym!

Thank you! I am so happy for our teams and so proud of how amazing our athletes and families are so supportive of each other!

Savage Mom 12/15/2016 @ 4:05 PM

Port Orange

We are so happy to be a part of PCA, this is such a family! The coaches work so hard and these girls are just amazing! PC4L!

Thank you, we love our girls too!

the Parent Posse 11/17/2016 @ 1:05 PM

Port Orange

I can't tell you how excited WE ALL ARE for this upcoming season! All of the teams looked absolutely incredible at Showcase and are getting better every single practice. So happy for the girls and so thankful for our great coaches that push them!

THANK YOU! We are super excited too! This is going to be another great year for PCA!

ThunderCats 08/25/2016 @ 10:05 AM

Port Orange

What an AMAZING 2 weeks. Preparing for the Miami Dolphins game has been great. Working with different levels as the teams become one. Great job to Penny. Love the discipline.

Thank you! Honestly, it has been a challenge, but I have loved every minute of it! I am so proud of each of these girls and their commitment not only to the game, but to each other and to the gym. Thank you girls and thank you parents for your support!

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